These two artists always remind me of summer. First is Kings of Convenience and their music makes me think of lazy summer days. Here's a song off of their latest release, Declaration of Dependence(2009).
"Mrs. Cold" - Kings of Convenience
Second is The Drums. Great band, bunch of hipsters if you ask me. They have a great sound. This single is off of their album Portamento(2011).
Hallelujah, that's the name of a single off of The Helio Sequence's album, Keep Your Eyes Ahead, released in '08. The album as a whole isn't that bad either, check them out below.
This band sounds good, their website gives me a headache and I don't know if they have released an album yet. This is band discovery/internet perusing at its best people.
Hey look, another Columbia, SC artist, Washed Out (well, he went to USC. It's no Clemson, but it'll do). I'm all about good music and trying to keep it close to home. Check him out. The song below, "Amor Fati", is from his album Within and Without. Don't mind the guy with man-boyshorts underwear.
"Amor Fati" - Washed Out
Check this lady out. I've been digging on her for awhile and thought I would share her music with you.
"Blue Jeans" - Lana Del Ray
On a final note, I've been reading the Harry Potter series and listening to the new M83 album a lot, which, if you haven't listened to it you should. Now I'm finding that when I'm not reading Harry Potter and just listening to M83 it constantly makes me think of Hogwarts and Harry Potter...damn, I wish I was a wizard.
So, for those of us on the Norther Hemisphere, fall/winter is here. Is it weird that I miss hot days? I want them back. I'm not a person of cold weather, unless there is snow involved. Somehow having that makes being cold all of the time OK.
To help me get through the winter I've found this cool Tumbler website, Sun-Believable. Hopefully it will get me through the winter. Either that or it will send me into a winter/summer-envy-rage destroying everything in sight...
Any cool trips you guys have planned for the winter? It would be cool to hear about them and possibly steal them and make them my own.
Internets, I have decided to slam you with a bunch of music this time around.
I've been doing nothing but sitting on my keister lately, so, I look up music when I'm bored to share with you. So, have a listen to some things, it might do you some good.
John Denver - Country Roads (remix by Pretty Lights)
As you, my very limited reader base, know I don't plug websites (lie). But I want to tell you about this cool trip/idea/good time. It's called Trips for Charities, and it is a pretty cool guided trip on Eleuthera in the Bahamas. Everything is included, meals, place to stay and guided tours. All this and a portion is donated to charity and that's cool with me. Check out the link.
So, one of my favorite throwback artists, Mayer Hawthorne, has dropped a new album. How Do You Do is his second release. I'm still really enjoying his music from his first, so this is icing on the cake. Here is a single off of his new album.
"The Walk"
I really think Mr. Hawthorne should stick to his day job. He can't hit the broad side of a barn.
So, I'm doing some plugging today. If you are in the New Hanover/Brunswick County area of NC in the USA (like I have readers anywhere else), come out to access #4 in Wrightsville Beach this Saturday Oct. 1st. Why? You might ask, because it's going to be rad. Check out the poster below.
I don't know if you have been to check out this website called Live From Daryl's House, but, if you haven't, you should.
What it is, is Daryl Hall, from Hall & Oates, playing his songs and the songs from whatever musician he brings in for the month. Daryl has already brought in two people already listed in this blog in. Cool stuff, I know.
Did I mention Daryl does something with food and spirits almost every episode? Needless to say, if you have a free minute, cruise on over and check it out. If you don't, you probably don't like good music anyway.
I love music, I really do...well, I like most music. I'm not a fan of most country music...well, most country music. I love old country music, you know, the good stuff, Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins, ol' Merle Haggard, Willie and so on and so forth.
I love Jeff Bridges, I mean, the man can do no wrong. The dude abides. Probably one of the best actors out there. So, not to go too off track from the country music point, Mr. Bridges has done a country movie, Crazy Heart, back in 2009. With that movie he cut a couple of tracks for the soundtrack of that film. It was pretty good, in the same vein of that old school country that I like. Well fast-forward to 2011, here comes Jeff Bridges with a country music album, cool...maybe. After listening to the album, I can honestly say, bravo.
Alright Internets, you decide, tell me what you think. The video below is a single off of the album.
P.S. Can we talk about the GIANT weed plants he's walking through?
I want to tell you that I have decent eye for fashion and that I know what's going on with the latest couture (lie).
Well, for those who don't trust my fashion advice, you should scoot over to this blog, My Cup of Te. She's got a keen eye for everything fashion: clothes, accessories, furniture, etc... Needless to say, she's a lot better at this sort-of thing than I am. Be sure to check out her new website Society Social. It's full of awesomeness. Oh, did I mention she has a Magalog?
Alright cool kids, you remember that wooden board that I was working on? Neither do I (see third picture). Well it is finally finished, well I finished it a couple of months ago, I am just now throwing it up on the blog. So here you go, finished product. Stay tuned, I'll be updating more than I have been. I've been fighting off laziness.
Yo internets, it's been some time since I've posted something, so, I'm posting and I'm dropping some more music fun for you guys.
I love 50's and 60's music. Motown is awesome and there are a couple of new artists out there that are bringing back that sound. I know, Amy Boozehouse has been doing this sound for a couple of years, but these guys are good. Let's reminisce shall we?
I was stumbling around on the net today and found an artist that I think is jamming. The best part about the guy is that he is from S.C.! He's pretty good, check him about below.
I've been lazy...But, good news: I've found motivation. I know I told you, my pretend readers, that I would be posting up pictures of a wooden surfboard I'm shaping. I still am, just not this post...I know (*sob, whine*). Soon I say, soon. In the mean time, check these Kiwis out, you might like them. Plus, how awesome is the name of their album: Passive Me, Aggressive You? The name of the band is Naked and Famous.
Hey kids out there in internet land, all five of you that actually read my blog. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up of some cool stuff that's coming up on the blog. No, it's no free give-away, so, don't get your hopes up about it. Now that your not that excited about it I am going to tel you what it is. In the coming days you are going to see some more activity on the blog, yay! I'm shaping a wooden surfboard and I am going to update my progress a lot on the blog. Exciting...well at least for me. The cool thing is, you guys can check out how my version of a wooden surfboard is made. So, keep checking back, if not, you're a loser.
I can feel the Spring winds starting to hit, awesome. I'm tired of this winter thing, I have gotten my snowboard trips in for the year, now it is time for summer. Summer here is crap waves, heat (and lots of it), but it is glorious. Bring on the heat, bring on the tan, bring on the outside fun and minimalist clothing. Here are some grooves to get you in the mood.
Funky Reggae, mon.
I am finding lately the music I am listening to is predominantly coming from Australia. Bands like Cut//Copy to Midnight Juggernauts, Infusion, Pendulum and so on. Now I have a new Aussie band that is locked on to my cross-hairs and jamming through my headphones. Who is this band? (I know all 1-4 people who read this blog are waiting on bated breath) Miami Horror. They are a fun band that sounds like they are rocking out from the late 70's and early 80's...sounds kinda, roughly, like stuff. I'm digging their scene, Check it.
I think I am going through some sort of drug withdrawal. It has been a solid two weeks since we've had any kind of decent waves. Mother Ocean, you're messing up. Oh, how I love you dearly, but send me some waves. Why can't I live in California? For all of those surfers who are jonesing for waves like me, here are some tasty morsels of this past year's hurricane season.
"I don't know, let's see what happens". This is what I keep telling myself when it comes to finding a job. I want to keep putting things off, "I can wait just one more day". That day comes, I wake up (11ish), no motivation, I aimlessly wonder around my small abode looking for things to do and ignoring what I should be doing. Another pointless, lazy day. Ah, how perfect. Procrastination in all of its glory.
I know that I should keep up my motivation, but let's be honest, beds are comfortable. After awhile I'm sure that I will grow tired of the bumming-it-out lifestyle and actually do something with my life. For now, however, what's my hurry?