Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dammit Jeff Bridges!

I love music, I really do...well, I like most music.  I'm not a fan of most country music...well, most country music. I love old country music, you know, the good stuff, Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins, ol' Merle Haggard, Willie and so on and so forth.

I love Jeff Bridges, I mean, the man can do no wrong. The dude abides. Probably one of the best actors out there. So, not to go too off track from the country music point, Mr. Bridges has done a country movie, Crazy Heart, back in 2009. With that movie he cut a couple of tracks for the soundtrack of that film. It was pretty good, in the same vein of that old school country that I like. Well fast-forward to 2011, here comes Jeff Bridges with a country music album, cool...maybe. After listening to the album, I can honestly say, bravo.

Alright Internets, you decide, tell me what you think. The video below is a single off of the album.

P.S. Can we talk about the GIANT weed plants he's walking through?

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Ch-ch-checkah this out...

So, what's new Internets?

I want to tell you that I have decent eye for fashion and that I know what's going on with the latest couture (lie).

Well, for those who don't trust my fashion advice, you should scoot over to this blog, My Cup of Te. She's got a keen eye for everything fashion: clothes, accessories, furniture, etc... Needless to say, she's a lot better at this sort-of thing than I am. Be sure to check out her new website Society Social. It's full of awesomeness. Oh, did I mention she has a Magalog?