Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Land of OZ

I am finding lately the music I am listening to is predominantly coming from Australia. Bands like Cut//Copy to Midnight Juggernauts, Infusion, Pendulum and so on. Now I have a new Aussie band that is locked on to my cross-hairs and jamming through my headphones. Who is this band? (I know all 1-4 people who read this blog are waiting on bated breath) Miami Horror. They are a fun band that sounds like they are rocking out from the late 70's and early 80's...sounds kinda, roughly, like ABBA...fun stuff. I'm digging their scene, Check it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I think I am going through some sort of drug withdrawal. It has been a solid two weeks since we've had any kind of decent waves. Mother Ocean, you're messing up. Oh, how I love you dearly, but send me some waves. Why can't I live in California? For all of those surfers who are jonesing for waves like me, here are some tasty morsels of this past year's hurricane season.

The Hunt

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good Stuff

Sweet, Cut//Copy's new album...it's out. You should check it out. It makes my day. Here are some tracks for an eargasm.

If you aren't familiar with the band, here are some older tracks:


...I dunno

"I don't know, let's see what happens". This is what I keep telling myself when it comes to finding a job. I want to keep putting things off, "I can wait just one more day". That day comes, I wake up (11ish), no motivation, I aimlessly wonder around my small abode looking for things to do and ignoring what I should be doing. Another pointless, lazy day. Ah, how perfect. Procrastination in all of its glory.

I know that I should keep up my motivation, but let's be honest, beds are comfortable. After awhile I'm sure that I will grow tired of the bumming-it-out lifestyle and actually do something with my life. For now, however, what's my hurry?